Feb 16, 2025  
Catalog 2024-2025 
Catalog 2024-2025


The College course schedule is available online and contains a complete listing of classes that are available each semester. The course schedule lists the courses, number of credits, class times, instructors’ names, room numbers and prerequisites. Please note this information is subject to change without notice.

Current students have registration priority. When planning for future courses you are encouraged to work with an Advisor or your program faculty. If you need help in making career decisions, you should make an appointment with the Director of Career Services. Classes have limited enrollment. Closed classes are posted on the online course schedule.

Registration for classes takes place each semester, including summer term. Information on how and when to register is sent to new students when they are accepted for admission. Information is also posted on the College website. Not all courses listed in the College Catalog are offered every semester.

A registration schedule is published on the College website for each semester and indicates assigned dates and times for registration. Students with an unpaid balance at the College or any other Minnesota State College or University may be unable to register for courses until unpaid balances have been paid.

Students have a variety of resources to assist with course selection, including Advisors, Degree Audit Reports, and Degree Planners.

Registration Process for Current & Returning Students

  1. Review Degree Planner and Degree Audit Report (DARS) and meet with your assigned advisor if you need help selecting courses.
  2. Login into your eServices account to register online; if you need help, contact your assigned advisor.
  3. Pay tuition online or print your fee statement and present it with payment at the Tuition Office before the posted due date. You will receive a paid fee statement upon receipt of payment. Refer to Tuition & Fees for details for payment options.
  4. Purchase books and supplies online at saintpaulcollegebookstore.com.
  5. Attend all courses for which you’ve registered.

Adding, Dropping, or Withdrawing

Students bear primary responsibility for their course registration. Students are responsible for canceling their registration by the drop deadlines posted in the course schedule or to pay any balance due. To cancel registration, a student must login to their eServices account and drop their classes prior to the end of the designated drop/add period. Non-attendance is not a cancellation and students will be held responsible to pay any amount owed.

All students, including those receiving financial aid, will be assessed tuition and fees for the semester based on the number of credits for which they are registered on the 6th day of the semester.

Students may add courses at any time during the published “add” period for each semester. For a course that meets for the full semester, students who drop a course through the 5th day of a semester, may receive a tuition refund (pro-rated for summer semester). The refund schedule varies for courses that meet less than the full semester. Contact the Tuition Office for details on short courses. The add/drop and withdraw deadlines are listed on the course schedule.

Students may withdraw from courses to receive a “W” grade from the 6th day of the semester through the posted date of withdrawal for the semester. For courses that do not run the entire semester, withdrawal is permitted before 80% of the class session is over.

Students must withdraw from courses online in eServices. No refund is permitted after the 5th day. Courses from which a student officially withdraws will be assigned the letter grade “W” (withdraw). Students who fail to withdraw from a course but stop attending before the end of the semester are subject to being assigned a grade of FW. Refer to the current online schedule in eServices for details regarding withdraw dates.

Students who cannot attend class during the first week of classes (or do not plan to log on for the first day of an online class) need to make arrangements in advance for all absences with their instructor. Students who miss class the first week without making prior arrangements with their instructor are subject to being assigned a grade of FN (Failure for Nonattendance). Students must drop courses they do not intend to attend before the end of the add/drop period.

Student Records

The Records Office is the official recorder of student academic records and progress.

Student Transcripts

Requests for Saint Paul College official transcripts are processed through the Student Records Office. Financial obligations to the College may be required before transcripts are released. An official transcript is issued for a fee upon written request or online submission from the college website: saintpaul.edu/studentservices/Student-Records. The transcript serves as the official record of student effort while enrolled at the College. Requests are processed within three business days. There is an additional fee for next business day service.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Guidelines

Saint Paul College is dedicated to providing all students with the opportunity to reach their educational goals. Students are responsible for maintaining an acceptable level of academic progress. The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards define the GPA and completion rates students must meet.

To support their efforts to meet academic standards, students should attend class regularly and actively engage in the learning process. Students are also expected to monitor their own academic progress. The following standards are used to determine a student’s academic status at the end of a semester:

Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement

  • Students must successfully maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average.

Completion Rate Requirement

Completion rates are calculated with the first attempted credit and for grades A, B, C, D, and P. Grades of I, F, FN, FW, and W are counted as attempted credits.

  • Students must successfully maintain a minimum 66.67% cumulative completion rate.

Academic Warning

The first time academic standards are not met, the student will be placed on academic warning for the next semester of enrollment. Once the warning is issued, a hold is placed on the student’s account. Students must complete the online Academic Warning Agreement Form to have their registration hold removed and are strongly encourage to meet with their assigned Advisor to develop a success plan to improve their academic standing. Students must earn a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA and 66.67% cumulative completion rate while on a warning.

Academic Suspension

Students who fail to meet academic standards in their warning period will be placed on academic suspension for two semesters. All students placed on suspension must appeal to be reinstated.

Appealing Academic Suspension

Appealing Due to Extenuating Circumstances

  • Students who believe they failed to achieve satisfactory academic progress due to extenuating circumstances may file an appeal prior to taking the required two semesters off. However, students must provide documentation supporting their claim of extenuating circumstances interfering with their ability to be successful in school.

Appealing for Reinstatement After Serving the Required Two Semesters

  • Students who have served their suspension period must appeal for reinstatement by completing the Academic and Financial Aid Suspension Appeal eForm, which can be obtained via the Saint Paul College website.

Academic Probation

Students with an approved appeal will be reinstated to the College on probationary status. Students will stay on probation and may continue to attend Saint Paul College if they receive a 2.5 GPA and 100% completion for the semester, even if they have not met the cumulative standards.

Once a student has met the cumulative standards (cumulative 2.0 GPA and cumulative 66.67% completion rate), they will be in good standing and no longer on probation. Students who do not meet the semester standards or the cumulative standards will be suspended again.

Academic Forgiveness Policy

The Academic Forgiveness policy is available only to students whose coursework was taken at Saint Paul College (formerly St. Paul Technical College). The policy is a onetime opportunity. The student cannot have been enrolled at Saint Paul College for a minimum of two calendar years (24 months) and the student must have a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0. The coursework forgiven will remain on the student’s transcript; however, the credits and the grades will not be carried forward into the student’s cumulative grade point average. The student will be permitted to select the courses within the semester to be forgiven. Only Ds, Fs, FNs, FWs and Ws can be forgiven. A maximum of two terms may be forgiven. In order to meet eligibility requirements for Academic Forgiveness, the student must have completed a minimum of 12 credits in residence at Saint Paul College with at least a 2.0 GPA after returning from the minimum 2-year absence. Work completed at another institution cannot be used to satisfy this requirement. The student can obtain the Request for Academic Forgiveness form via the Saint Paul College website.

Satisfactory Progress Standards - for financial aid recipients

Federal regulations require that a college develop a standard of satisfactory academic progress. This satisfactory academic progress standard must have both a qualitative standard (grade point average) and a quantitative standard (course completion). If the student fails to meet either of these two standards, the student will first be given a warning semester. If the student fails to meet either of the satisfactory academic progress standards during the warning semester, the student will be suspended from financial aid.

Students who have been suspended from financial aid due to these standards, may receive financial aid again after they have met the satisfactory academic standards or by successfully appealing the loss of aid. Appeal procedures for the loss of financial aid may be found online at saintpaul.edu/financialaid. If the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on probation until both standards have been met. Students bear primary responsibility for their own academic progress and for seeking assistance when experiencing academic difficulty. Students are encouraged to keep a file of their grades and transcripts.

Qualitative Standard

Students are required to maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA for all coursework including withdrawals, incompletes and non-credit courses. For repeated courses, the highest grade achieved will be used for the GPA. Transfer credits do not affect the student’s GPA.

Quantitative Standard

Students are required to complete 66.67% of the cumulative credits attempted based on their enrollment status. All credits attempted will be calculated into the completion percentage. This includes courses that are designated with a withdrawal, incomplete, non-credit courses and courses that have been repeated. Any coursework that has been accepted as transfer credit toward current program completion will also be included in progress made toward the current program.

Maximum Time Frame

All students are expected to complete their program within an acceptable period of time. Financial aid recipients meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements may receive aid until they complete their program or until they have attempted 150% of the required coursework in their current program/ declared major. All credits attempted at the College count toward maximum time frame. This includes withdrawals, incompletes, non-credit courses, and courses that have been repeated. Credits taken under a previous major and transfer credits will count toward maximum time frame.


Academic progress is evaluated at the end of each semester. A student who fails to meet cumulative progress requirements will be placed on financial aid probation or suspension. Academic progress will be monitored as follows:

  1. Satisfactory Academic progress monitoring begins with the first credit. Upon six (6) credits of enrollment, all students with registered credits during a semester will be evaluated at the end of the semester.
  2. Any student who fails to meet cumulative GPA and completion rate satisfactory academic progress requirements for one semester will be placed on warning for the subsequent semester and will be notified by email. Financial aid may be received during a warning status.
  3. A student on warning who fails to meet the required cumulative standards will be suspended from financial aid and notified by email.
  4. Upon evaluation, if the College determines that it is not possible for a student to meet the minimum cumulative standards prior to completing a degree/diploma or certificate for their declared major, the student will be suspended from financial aid and will be notified by email.
  5. A student who has exceeded the maximum time frame will be placed on suspension from financial aid and will be notified by email.

Suspension for Extraordinary Circumstances

The College may immediately suspend a student in certain circumstances, such as but not limited to:

  • A student who was previously suspended and whose academic performance falls below acceptable levels during a subsequent semester
  • A student who registered for but does not earn any credits for one semester by earning all FN/FW/F grades
  • A student who demonstrates an attendance pattern that abuses the receipt of financial aid.

Financial Aid Appeals

A student who fails to make satisfactory academic progress and is suspended from financial aid has the right to appeal based on unusual or extenuating circumstances, which may include but shall not be limited to a death in the family, student’s injury or illness, etc.

Appeals Process

Appeals forms are available online at saintpaul.edu/financialaid. The appeal must include a thorough explanation of the circumstances that affected academic progress. If applicable, the appeal must include supporting documentation beyond the written explanation. Appeals must be submitted online to be evaluated for an approval or denial. An emailed decision on the appeal will be provided to the student.

If the appeal is approved, the student may receive financial aid for the next semester. When GPA and/or completion rate requirements for the approved appeal semester are met, the student will remain financial aid eligible. If these requirements are not met for the semester and the student does not meet required standards, the student will be suspended from financial aid eligibility.


Students who have successfully appealed their suspension will be placed on probation for the next enrolled semester. If, at the end of that semester, the student has met the college’s cumulative grade point average (2.0 GPA) and completion rate (66.67%) requirements, the student will be in good standing. Students who do not reach the college’s cumulative grade point average and completion requirements, but have a semester GPA of at least 2.5 and course completion of 100% on probation for another semester of enrollment. Students who fail to meet cumulative or semester requirements for GPA and completion will be placed back on financial aid suspension.