Feb 16, 2025
BIOL 1725 - Environmental Science 4 Credits
This course covers basic scientific and ecological principles, including an understanding of how the earth functions, how humans are affecting the earth, and proposed solutions to many of the environmental problems we face. Specific topics include: ecology, human population growth, biotechnology, pollution, human impacts on climate, energy resources, and waste management. Students will be required to take positions on environmental issues and alternative future scenarios. In-class activities will include group discussions and video and the use of internet-based resources. Two hours of lab per week are required and include group experiments, computer simulations, outdoor lab activities, and field trips. Traditional and online sections are available. 4C/3/1/0
Prerequisite(s): READ 0721 or READ 0724 or EAPP 0860 with a grade of “C” or better or appropriate assessment score
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) Goal Area(s): Goals 3 & 10
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