Oct 25, 2024  
Catalog 2023-2024 
Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

The Saint Paul College mission endorses the centrality of general education in its programming and its commitment to offer breadth, as well as depth, of study in its curriculum. The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) is a coherent requirement of Saint Paul College programs and is clearly identifiable as an integral part of the curriculum. The College is committed to, and strives toward, outcomes that impart common knowledge, intellectual concepts and attitudes every person ought to possess.

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Goals

The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system has developed a common general education curriculum called the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Completion of this defined transfer curriculum at one institution enables a student to receive credit for all lower division general education upon admission to any other Minnesota public institution.

The MnTC is intended to achieve the following ten goals:

  1. Written and Oral Communication
    To develop writers and speakers who use the English language effectively and who read, write, speak and listen critically. As a base, all students should complete introductory communication requirements early in their collegiate studies. Writing competency is an ongoing process to be reinforced through writing-intensive courses and writing across the curriculum. Speaking and listening skills need reinforcement through multiple opportunities for interpersonal communication, public speaking and discussion.
    1. understand/demonstrate the writing and speaking processes through invention, organization, drafting, revision, editing and presentation.
    2. participate effectively in groups with emphasis on listening, critical and reflective thinking, and responding.
    3. locate, evaluate, and synthesize in a responsible manner material from diverse sources and points of view.
    4. select appropriate communication choices for specific audiences.
    5. construct logical and coherent arguments.
    6. use authority, point-of-view, and individual voice and style in their writing and speaking.
    7. employ syntax and usage appropriate to academic disciplines and the professional world.
  2. Critical Thinking
    To develop thinkers who are able to unify factual, creative, rational and value-sensitive modes of thought. Critical thinking will be taught and used throughout the general education curriculum in order to develop students’ awareness of their own thinking and problemsolving procedures. To integrate new skills into their customary ways of thinking, students must be actively engaged in practicing thinking skills and applying them to open-ended problems.
  3. Natural Sciences
    ​To improve students’ understanding of natural science principles and of the methods of scientific inquiry, i.e., the ways in which scientists investigate natural science phenomena. As a basis for lifelong learning, students need to know the vocabulary of science and to realize that, while a set of principles has been developed through the work of previous scientists, ongoing scientific inquiry and new knowledge will bring changes in some of the ways scientists view the world. By studying the problems that engage today’s scientists, students learn to appreciate the importance of science in their lives and to understand the value of a scientific perspective. Students should be encouraged to study both the biological and physical sciences.
    1. demonstrate understanding of scientific theories
    2. formulate and test hypotheses by performing laboratory, simulation, or field experiments in at least two of the natural science disciplines. One of these experimental components should develop, in greater depth, students, laboratory experience in the collection of data, its statistical and graphical analysis, and an appreciation of its sources of error and uncertainty.
    3. communicate their experimental findings, analyses, and interpretations both orally and in writing.
    4. evaluate societal issues from a natural science perspective, ask questions about the evidence presented, and make informed judgments about science-related topics and policies.
  4. Mathematical/Logical Reasoning
    To increase students’ knowledge about mathematical and logical modes of thinking. This will enable students to appreciate the breadth of applications of mathematics, evaluate arguments and detect fallacious reasoning. Students will learn to apply mathematics, logic and/or statistics to help them make decisions in their lives and careers. Minnesota’s public higher education systems have agreed that developmental mathematics includes the first three years of a high school mathematics sequence, through intermediate algebra.
    1. illustrate historical and contemporary applications of mathematical/logical systems.
    2. clearly express mathematical/logical ideas in writing.
    3. explain what constitutes a valid mathematical/ logical argument (proof).
    4. apply higher-order problem-solving and/or modeling strategies.
  5. History, Social and Behavioral Sciences
    ​To increase students’ knowledge of how historians and social and behavioral scientists discover, describe and explain the behaviors and interactions among individuals, groups, institutions, events and ideas. Such knowledge will better equip students to understand themselves and the roles they play in addressing the issues facing humanity.
    1. employ the methods and data that historians and social and behavioral scientists use to investigate the human condition.
    2. examine social institutions and processes across a range of historical periods and cultures.
    3. use and critique alternative explanatory systems or theories.
    4. develop and communicate alternative explanations or solutions for contemporary social issues.
  6. Humanities and Fine Arts
    To expand students’ knowledge of the human condition and human cultures, especially in relation to behavior, ideas and values expressed in works of human imagination and thought. Through study in disciplines such as literature, philosophy and the fine arts, students will engage in critical analysis, form aesthetic judgments and develop an appreciation of the arts and humanities as fundamental to the health and survival of any society. Students should have experiences in both the arts and humanities.
    1. demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.
    2. understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within an historical and social context.
    3. respond critically to works in the arts and humanities.
    4. engage in the creative process or interpretive performance.
    5. articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities.
  7. Human Diversity
    To increase students’ understanding of individual and group differences (e.g., race, gender, class) and their knowledge of the traditions and values of various groups in the United States. Students should be able to evaluate the United States’ historical and contemporary responses to group differences.
    1. understand the development of and the changing meanings of group identities in the United States, history and culture.
    2. demonstrate an awareness of the individual and institutional dynamics of unequal power relations between groups in contemporary society.
    3. analyze their own attitudes, behaviors, concepts and beliefs regarding diversity, racism, and bigotry.
    4. describe and discuss the experience and contributions (political, social, economic, etc.) of the many groups that shape American society and culture, in particular those groups that have suffered discrimination and exclusion.
    5. demonstrate communication skills necessary for living and working effectively in a society with great population diversity.
  8. Global Perspective
    To increase students’ understanding of the growing interdependence of nations and peoples and develop their ability to apply a comparative perspective to crosscultural social, economic and political experiences.
    1. describe and analyze political, economic, and cultural elements which influence relations of states and societies in their historical and contemporary dimensions.
    2. demonstrate knowledge of cultural, social, religious and linguistic differences.
    3. analyze specific international problems, illustrating the cultural, economic, and political differences that affect their solution.
    4. understand the role of a world citizen and the responsibility world citizens share for their common global future.
  9. Ethical and Civic Responsibility
    ​To develop students’ capacity to identify, discuss and reflect upon the ethical dimensions of political, social and personal life and to understand the ways in which they can exercise responsible and productive citizenship. While there are diverse views of social justice or the common good in a pluralistic society, students should learn that responsible citizenship requires them to develop skills to understand their own and others’ positions, be part of the free exchange of ideas and function as public-minded citizens.
    1. examine, articulate, and apply their own ethical views.
    2. understand and apply core concepts (e.g. politics, rights and obligations, justice, liberty) to specific issues.
    3. analyze and reflect on the ethical dimensions of legal, social, and scientific issues.
    4. recognize the diversity of political motivations and interests of others.
    5. identify ways to exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
  10. People and the Environment
    ​To improve students’ understanding of today’s complex environmental challenges. Students will examine the interrelatedness of human society and the natural environment. Knowledge of both bio-physical principles and sociocultural systems is the foundation for integrative and critical thinking about environmental issues.
    1. explain the basic structure and function of various natural ecosystems and of human adaptive strategies within those systems.
    2. discern patterns and interrelationships of biophysical and socio-cultural systems.
    3. describe the basic institutional arrangements (social, legal, political, economic, religious) that are evolving to deal with environmental and natural resource challenges.
    4. evaluate critically environmental and natural resource issues in light of understandings about interrelationships, ecosystems, and institutions.
    5. propose and assess alternative solutions to environmental problems.
    6. articulate and defend the actions they would take on various environmental issues.

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) Course List

To earn the full Minnesota Transfer Curriculum, all ten goal areas listed below must be completed. A total of at least 40 semester credits must be earned. Courses designated with a superscript (e.g., BIOL 171010) satisfy more than one goal area; however, credits are counted only once toward the 40-credit minimum requirement. A (p) indicates a prerequisite is required for that course. Completion of the MnTC meets the lower division general education requirements at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and the University of Minnesota. Contact the Pathway Advisor for more information.

To follow the Associate of Science or Associate of Applied Science requirements for general education courses, choose from the MnTC courses in the next column, according to the distribution requirements for your degree. The Associate of Science degree requires 30 MnTC credits; the Associate of Applied Science degree requires 16 MnTC credits.

For any additions or changes in the MnTC Course List, contact a College Pathway Advisor in Advising & Counseling.

MnTC Goal 2: Critical Thinking

*Course contains lab (p) = Indicates prerequisite required for course

  • Fulfilled when all 10 Goal Areas of MnTC are completed 40 Credits

MnTC Goal 3: Natural Sciences

*Course contains lab (p) = Indicates prerequisite required for course

MnTC Goal 4: Mathematical/Logical Reasoning

*Course contains lab (p) = Indicates prerequisite required for course

MnTC Goal 5: History, Social Sciences, and Behavioral Sciences

*Course contains lab (p) = Indicates prerequisite required for course

MnTC Goal 6: Humanities and Fine Arts

*Course contains lab (p) = Indicates prerequisite required for course

MnTC Goal 7: Human Diversity

*Course contains lab (p) = Indicates prerequisite required for course

MnTC Goal 8: Global Perspective

*Course contains lab (p) = Indicates prerequisite required for course


Transfer to Other Institutions

To ensure a smooth transfer from Saint Paul College to a four-year college or university, it is important to understand the types of degrees offered at the College:

An Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year college to pursue a Bachelor in Fine Arts Degree. It provides an exposure to the general education courses required by four-year Bachelor of Fine Arts Programs.

The Associate of Arts (AA) degree is designed for transfer and offers flexibility in terms of the variety of colleges to which a student can transfer and in the variety of majors that can be chosen. The AA degree requires mostly general education courses (40 credits), which is what gives it more transferability. The AA degree consists of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Completion of the MnTC with a 2.0 GPA meets the general education requirements at any of the public Minnesota State Colleges and Universities institutions and the University of Minnesota. Several private colleges also honor the AA degree. Some four-year majors require specific general education courses referred to as premajor requirements.

Note: Course requirements may vary depending on the major and transfer college, so it is important to talk to a Pathway Advisor at Saint Paul College and to the appropriate person at the transfer college. Refer to the General Transfer Table.

An Associate of Science (AS) degree is intended to prepare students for immediate employment; however, students can transfer to complete a Bachelor’s degree when they transfer to colleges with which Saint Paul College has articulation agreements. In addition to technical requirements, the AS degree requires 30 credits of general education (MnTC) courses. Additional general education courses may be required to complete a Bachelor’s degree, particularly if students transfer to a college where an articulation agreement does not exist.

An Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree is intended mainly to prepare students for direct employment. Students who are following an AAS degree and who are interested in transfer are strongly advised to talk to a Saint Paul College Pathway Advisor in the Advising & Counseling Center as transfer options are more limited. In addition to technical requirements, the AAS degree requires 20 credits of general education (MnTC) courses. Additional general education courses typically would be required to complete a Bachelor’s degree for students who transfer, particularly to colleges with which articulation agreements do not exist. Refer to the Transfer Articulation Agreements Table.

Understanding Transfer of Credits

The receiving college or university decides which credits transfer and if those credits meet its degree requirements; however; a course that meets a Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) goal at Saint Paul College will meet the same goal at a Minnesota State Colleges and Universities institution.

Note: A course can meet a Minnesota Transfer Goal at the sending institution and yet may or may not be considered equivalent to a course at the receiving institution. The accreditation of both the sending and receiving institution can affect the transfer of credits earned, but it is not the only factor in determining transfer of credits. Institutions accept credits from courses and programs like those they offer. They look for similarity in course goals, content and level: “like” transfers to “like.” The name of a course is not sufficient to determine equivalency. Not everything that transfers counts toward graduation. Bachelor’s degree programs usually count credits in three categories: general education, major/minor courses and prerequisites/electives. The key question is, “Will your credits fulfill requirements of the degree or program you choose?”

A change in career goal or major might make it difficult to complete all degree requirements within the usual number of graduation credits. Colleges and universities differ in how they accept courses and other types of college credits (CLEP, AP, IB, international credits, etc.).

Since requirements and acceptance of Saint Paul College credits differ from one college to another, it is important to talk to a Saint Paul College Pathway Advisor, consult college catalogs and websites and talk to advisors at the four-year institution. Pathway Advisors and other transfer resources are available in Advising and Counseling. Transfer guides to four-year institutions may be available to provide guidance in selecting the courses intended to transfer from Saint Paul College. Also access the Saint Paul College website (saintpaul.edu) or the Minnesota Transfer website (www.mntransfer.org) for more information.

Obtain the following materials and information from the fouryear institution: college catalog, transfer brochure, information on financial aid (how to apply and by what date), information about admissions criteria and materials required for admission. (e.g., transcripts, test scores, portfolio, etc.). Note that some majors have limited enrollment and/or special admission requirements such as specific grade point averages.

Note: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and the University of Minnesota have high school preparation requirements for admission. Consult an advisor at your intended transfer school for more information.

After reviewing this information, contact the Pathway Advisor or someone in the division or program of interest. Be sure to ask about course transfer and admissions criteria.

Applying for Transfer Admission at Other Institutions

Application for admission is the first step in transferring. Fill out the application early, prior to the deadline and enclose the required application fee. Request official transcripts be sent from all previously attended institutions. The student may also be required to provide a high school transcript or GED test scores.

Make certain the college or university has been supplied with all the necessary paperwork. Most colleges make no decisions until all required documents are filed. If nothing has been heard from the intended college of transfer after one month, call to check on application status.

After receiving notification of acceptance, transcripted credits will be evaluated for transfer. A written evaluation should explain which courses transfer and which do not. How courses specifically meet degree requirements may not be decided until orientation or selection of a major.

Contact the college of transfer with questions or to find out why judgments were made about specific courses. Each student has the right to an appeal. See Your Rights as a Transfer Student.

Your Rights as a Transfer Student

Students are entitled to:

  • A clear, understandable statement of an institution’s transfer policy.
  • A fair credit review and an explanation of why credits were or were not accepted.
  • A copy of the formal appeals process.
  • A review of eligibility for financial aid or scholarships.

Steps in the Appeals Process:

  1. The student fills out an appeals form. Supplemental information provided to reviewers can include: a syllabus, course description, or reading list, depending upon the type of appeal.
  2. A review by the appropriate department or committee will be conducted.
  3. The decision is conveyed in writing to the student.
  4. The student may appeal the decision.

For help with transfer questions or concerns, contact the Pathway Advisor or your advisor at the transfer college.

Transfer Articulation Agreements

Saint Paul College has formed articulation agreements with a number of public and private institutions to assist students following some AS, AAS, diploma or certificate programs with their transfer goals. Please see a Pathway Advisor for further information.

General Transfer Table 2023-2024

For students following the Associate of Arts (AA) or other general transfer

The following table summarizes transfer to many colleges. Students who are planning to transfer to other institutions should work with Pathway Advisor at Saint Paul College and the college to which they are transferring. Certain majors require specialized coursework, so the following provides a guide for general transfer; it is not intended to cover specific requirements for all majors. Admission requirements may vary depending on the major the student is pursuing. Students should consult with the transfer college and use transfer guides to find out admission deadlines and requirements.

Note: Students are free to explore transfer to any college, including colleges not listed in the following table.

Transfer guides are also available at saintpaul.edu/transferguides.

Degree / Major Offered Transfer Institution
AA/MnTC Various Majors All Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
AA/MnTC Various Majors Augsburg University
AA Various Majors Bethany Lutheran
Selected Liberal Arts Courses Various Majors Bethel University
AA/MnTC Various Majors College of St. Scholastica
AA/MnTC Various Majors Concordia University
Selected Liberal Arts Courses Various Majors Hamline University
AS/AAS Individualized Studies Metropolitan State University
Selected Liberal Arts Courses Various Majors Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Selected Liberal Arts Courses Various Majors St. Catherine University
AA/MnTC Various Majors Saint Mary’s University Minneapolis
AA/MnTC Various Majors University of Minnesota
AA/MnTC Various Majors University of North Dakota
Selected Liberal Arts Courses Various Majors University of St. Thomas
AA/Selected Liberal Arts Courses Various Majors University of Wisconsin River Falls
AA/Selected Liberal Arts Courses Various Majors University of Wisconsin-Stout