Mar 09, 2025  
Catalog 2025-2026 
Catalog 2025-2026


Admissions Process

Admission to the College is open to students who are at least sixteen years of age, have completed their high school diploma, GED, or equivalent, or meet Ability to Benefit requirements, and who are able to benefit from the educational offerings of the College. Admission to the College does not guarantee admission into a specific program or college-level classes. Clear and accessible information regarding college program admission requirements shall be provided in Admissions (Room 1300) and in other locations. Academic, fiscal and facilities considerations may limit admission to a particular program. The exception to this policy relates to those Minnesota high school students who meet the requirements of the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Act of 1985 (See Minnesota State Policy 3.5) or other special high school programs. If a student indicates they have a GED, does not have a high school diploma, or the high school entered does not have an associated ACT Code or HS ID in the College’s student information system, the College will request documentation to verify completion of GED or high school diploma. A hold is added to ensure that registration doesn’t take place until we have this documentation.

Admission to a Major Program

Students are accepted into a major program for the purpose of obtaining a specific degree, diploma, or certificate. Students may change their major by meeting the prescribed admission requirements for the desired program. Some programs have a separate application process. For more information about specific majors, please check the program requirements in the Catalog.

Application Procedure

If you have not previously enrolled at Saint Paul College,

  1. Complete an Application for Admission online at
  2. There is a one time, non-refundable $20 application fee. Saint Paul College is currently waiving this fee.
  3. Complete the Assessment in Reading and Math or complete the English as a Second Language (ESL) Assessment if you are a nonnative speaker of English. Call 651.846.1555 for more information. Scores must be turned in to Admissions. A student may be exempted from taking this Assessment based on documentation of subject area test scores on the ACT, SAT, or MCA. If you have taken the ACT, SAT, or MCA test within the last five (5) years, please bring a copy of your scores to Admissions (Room 1300) for further review.
  4. Request high school transcripts and/or GED scores, as well as official transcripts from all secondary and post-secondary institutions attended be sent to Saint Paul College.
  5. If you have previously applied, enrolled, or requested information from Saint Paul College please contact Admissions so your records can be updated.

Some major programs require additional assessment. Applicants will be notified if their program requires additional assessment. Assessment requirements may be waived based on previous college experience as validated by college transcripts or determined by the Admissions Staff.

Intake Assessment

Research shows that students who enter courses at the level that best matches their background and abilities are more successful. Therefore, Saint Paul College and Minnesota State colleges and universities require assessment of basic academic skills. The assessment for those whose native language is English covers reading comprehension and mathematical computation. The assessment for students whose native language is not English is the English as a Second Language (ESL) assessment. You may be assessed in additional subjects for admission to selected programs or placement into certain courses.

The math assessment is computerized and available on a walk-in basis in the Assessment Center – room 3140 – and usually take from 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours. Scores determine course placement. In some cases, assessment results may indicate that you may benefit from developmental coursework in reading, writing, grammar, and/or math, prior to entering your major program.

Students are granted two attempts at the assessment each calendar year. There is no cost for the first attempt. The second attempt carries a fee of $5.00. Students who want to review before taking the exam can access the following websites:

The assessment requirement may be waived depending on previous college experience and/or college coursework. Contact Admissions at 651.846.1555 to have previous college coursework reviewed for an assessment waiver. Please call 651.846.1555 for additional information about the assessment process.

Immunization Requirements

Minnesota Law (M.S. 135A. 14) requires that all students born after 1956 and enrolled in a postsecondary educational institution be immunized against measles, rubella, mumps after the age of 12 months and against diphtheria and tetanus within 10 years of first registration, allowing for certain specified exemptions. You must submit a statement indicating the month and year of each immunization when you register for classes, or no later than 45 days after the start of your first semester. Students born in 1956 or before are not required to provide information. Students who graduated from a Minnesota high school in 1997 or later are also exempt.

The Immunization Record eForm is designed to provide the College with the information required by law and will be available for review by the Minnesota Department of Health. The form is available on the College website.

Students enrolled in Health programs are required to obtain additional immunizations in accordance with clinical site policy. For more information regarding immunization requirements and resources available to meet those requirements, contact the Dean of Health Sciences Programs.

Application Procedure for Transfer Students

Students seeking admission to Saint Paul College based on previous college coursework should contact Admissions - Room 1300 651.846.1555 after completing the online application.

Students seeking a degree, diploma or certificate, who have previously attended accredited institutions, must have all official transcripts sent directly from the previous colleges to the Saint Paul College Records Office. If a transcript is hand carried by the student, it is to be delivered in a sealed envelope. Student copies and faxed transcripts are not considered official but can be used for admission purposes.


Students who have interrupted attendance at Saint Paul College must contact Admissions to apply for re-admission. To have assessment tests waived based on coursework completed at another institution, contact Admissions at 651.846.1555.

Undeclared Students

Undeclared students are not assigned an advisor, do not qualify for financial aid or veterans education benefits, and their transcripts will not be evaluated for transfer credit.

Change of Major

Students who have been admitted to Saint Paul College in a specific major and want to change that major must complete the Change of Major eForm found online. Mid-semester major program changes are not permitted. The change of major program will be effective for the next semester.

Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program (PSEO)

The PSEO program enables eligible Minnesota high school sophomores, juniors and seniors to take college classes for credit. The purpose of the program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and provide a wider variety of options than may be available in high school. Eligible students may attend either part-time or full-time. Tuition, fees and textbooks are provided at no cost to the student. For more information about the PSEO program, please contact the PSEO Coordinator at or 651.403.4478.

International Students

An F-1 international student is a student who requires an F-1 nonimmigrant student visa to attend Saint Paul College or a student who is currently in the US on F-1 status. International applicants must meet specific requirements before being considered for admission to the college. For more information about Saint Paul College’s International Student Program or International Admissions, please contact or visit

High School Articulated Credit

Articulated Credit affords high school students an opportunity to receive college credit in many subjects. Articulated Credit programs effectively blend academic and technical education in a challenging and purposeful course of study that can lead to employment and credit toward further education. Since the workplace has changed significantly enough to require some training after high school, but not necessarily a full four-year degree, articulated credit programs offer viable new options for high school students who want to connect learning with life. Programs are articulated between Saint Paul Public Schools and Saint Paul College. Consult a high school counselor for more information concerning Articulated Credit.

Transfer of Credits from Other Institutions

The College will review official transcripts received from other post-secondary institutions for transfer of credit for those students who are admitted to a declared major. Transfer credits accepted will appear on the Saint Paul College transcript and can be used to satisfy the program graduation requirements but will not be used to calculate the grade point average. Students seeking admission to the College who have attended another college or university and do not meet the College’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards must appeal for admission.

If you are interested in receiving transfer credit, you must request an official transcript from each institution attended be sent to Saint Paul College - Records Office. If you previously attended a Minnesota State college or university (excludes the University of Minnesota), the Records Office may be able to access your transcript electronically. Contact the Records Office to confirm the availability of a Minnesota State transcript. Each credit to be considered for transfer must be supported by an official transcript from the originating institution prior to the awarding of credit. The College does not review for transfer of credit for visiting students or students admitted as Undeclared.

A student shall earn a minimum of 15 credits for all associate degrees at the College. One-third of the credits required for a diploma or certificate must be earned at Saint Paul College. At least one course must be completed at Saint Paul College in order to earn the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC).

Students also may be eligible to transfer credit to the College through the following:

  • AP - Advanced Placement Exams (for high school students)
  • CLEP - College Level Examination Program
  • Credit for Life Work/Work Experience (Prior Learning)
  • IB - International Baccalaureate (for high school students)
  • International Credentials
  • Military - Related courses and experience

Transfer of Credit Policies

Transfer of credit will be evaluated based on Saint Paul College policies and procedures and in accordance with Minnesota State system policies and procedures.

Institution Accreditation

Transfer of credit will be considered for college level coursework completed at accredited institutions:

  • Regionally Accredited: Degree-granting public, private, nonprofit and for-profit, two- and four-year institutions in the United States accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and/or parallel accrediting agencies in other regions of the United States.
  • Nationally Accredited: Specialized institutions, including distance learning providers and freestanding professional schools recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the U.S. Department of Education (USDE). Coursework will be considered on a course-by-course basis through an appeal process and will be judged to be comparable or equivalent to courses offered at Saint Paul College.

Transfer Course Evaluation

Courses will be reviewed and considered for transfer as follows:

  • General education coursework completed at Minnesota State that fulfills the Minnesota General Education Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) will transfer based on the assigned goal area at the sending institution.
  • General education coursework completed at the University of Minnesota or other institutions outside the Minnesota State system will be considered for transfer as:
  • Equivalent to a Saint Paul College general education course and MnTC Goal Area
  • Not equivalent to a specific Saint Paul College course, but will fulfill a MnTC Goal Area
  • Coursework that is not general education will be considered for transfer as:
  • Equivalent to a specific course in a technical program (within five years of course completion, if in a technical program)
  • Elective credit that does not apply toward general education or technical course requirements (including technical courses over five years old)

Transfer Equivalency

Courses approved for transfer must be comparable in nature, content, and level, and match at least 75% of the content and goals of the course syllabus for which the student is seeking equivalent credit.

Transfer Appeal

If a credit transfer is denied, you may request an appeal. Appeal forms are available online. If you are not satisfied with the results of the appeal, you may appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs at the College. A third and final transfer appeal is available at the system level.

Transfer Grades

All college level courses in which a student has received a grade of A, B, C, D or P/S will be considered for transfer evaluation. No F or D- grade courses will be accepted. Please note that while D grades will transfer, some programs require a grade of C or higher for all courses to fulfill requirements.

Time Limit for Courses

General education courses shall have no transfer time limit. Additionally, technical courses applying toward an Associate of Arts (AA) degree shall have no transfer time limit.

To ensure students graduate with up-to-date skills, technical credits are valid for five years or have a five-year “lifespan”. This includes transfer technical credits which are used for specific technical program requirements. Technical courses that are beyond the fiveyear limit may be accepted, based on currency, relevancy and the student’s current work experience.

Degree Residency

A student shall earn a minimum of 15 credits for all associate degrees at the College. One-third of the credits required for a diploma or certificate must be earned at the College.


The number of transfer credits granted per course shall not exceed the number granted by the originating institution. All quarter credits will be converted to semester credits.

Additional Types of Credit

AP-Advanced Placement Exams (for High School Students)

Advanced Placement (AP) gives high school students an opportunity to take college-level courses in various subject areas. A score of 3 is the minimum for credit awarded. Grades of 3, 4 or 5 qualify students for credits and/or placement into advanced courses at Saint Paul College. There is no limit to the number of credits a student may earn through the AP exams. However, credits earned through Advanced Placement will not satisfy the residency requirement for graduation at Saint Paul College. Credit can be given for a specific college course if a test covers substantially similar material. If the test material does not match an existing course, students will be given elective credits.

CLEP-College Level Examination Program

Saint Paul College will consider CLEP exam credits for students who want to test out of general education courses and selected business courses. There is no limit to the number of credits a student may earn through the CLEP exam. However, credits earned through CLEP examinations will not satisfy the residency requirement for graduation at Saint Paul College. A student must provide the College with an official report of CLEP examination scores in order to obtain credit. Equivalent courses and required scores can be found on the College website at

Note: Colleges establish their own policies for accepting CLEP credit. Students should consult their transfer college’s CLEP policy to determine whether CLEP credits will transfer and/or how they will be accepted. Consult the College Board website for testing locations, fees and exam information.

Credit for Prior Learning

Prior Learning (Competency-Based Education) allows students to present nontraditional learning as competencies to be evaluated for credit by qualified faculty members towards their educational program. These competencies must be the equivalent of what would have been achieved through college coursework. At Saint Paul College, Credit for Prior Learning offers, on a limited basis, students with sufficient work, non-college credit and/or life learning experiences, the opportunity to document competencies and theory learning relevant to specific courses offered at the College. The Credit for Prior Learning option may be available for a limited number of courses. Students interested in pursuing the option of earning credit for prior learning must discuss this option with a qualified faculty member.

IB-International Baccalaureate (for High School Students)

The International Baccalaureate (IB) program is an internationally recognized program through which high school students complete a comprehensive curriculum of rigorous study and demonstrate performance on IB examinations. Students may present a full IB diploma or a certificate recognizing specific higher level or standard level test scores. Credit may be awarded for scores of 4 or higher on individual IB examinations or successful completion of the IB diploma. Credit can be given for a specific college course if an exam covers substantially similar material. There is no limit to the number of credits a student may earn through the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. However, credits earned through International Baccalaureate (IB) will not satisfy the residency requirement for graduation at Saint Paul College.

International Transcripts

Saint Paul College does not evaluate international transcripts. Students who have completed courses in another country must have their transcripts evaluated by an approved third-party evaluation service. Colleges and universities differ in how they accept these courses.

Military Education and Experience

Saint Paul College will consider academic credit for military education and experience gained while on active duty. The American Council on Education’s Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experience in the Armed Forces will be used to evaluate military education and experience. A copy of the student’s Report of Transfer or Discharge (Form DD-214) and an official SMART or AARTS transcript are required for evaluation.

For more information on military transcripts, go to the American Council of Education website at

A maximum of 16 semester technical credits will be accepted as elective credits in transfer from military transcripts. General education credits satisfying the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) will be accepted beyond the 16 semester credit maximum. Students may petition for an evaluation of military credits believed to be equivalent to a specific program.

DANTES-Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support

The DANTES program supports the voluntary educational program for active military personnel and members of the National Guard and Reserves. The DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSSTs), however, are now available for use by civilians at universities and colleges throughout the country. The DSSTs are a series of examinations in various college and technical subjects. The DSST program allows students the opportunity to demonstrate collegelevel learning acquired outside the classroom. All tests carry ACE (American Council on Education) credit recommendations. Saint Paul College will honor the ACE recommendation and accept courses applicable to a program or course of study.

Minnesota Bilingual Seals Program

High School students who earned Minnesota Bilingual or Multilingual seals may earn college credit through transfer. Students must submit their seal/certificate and high school transcript within 3 years of graduating high school to earn college credit. Students must be admitted to the college and have a declared major.

ACE - American Council on Education Recommendations

Saint Paul College reviews coursework from external sources with American Council on Education (ACE) Recommendation for potential transfer of credit. The transcript must come from ACE’s transcript issuer Credly.

Background Checks Policy

Designated Health and Child Development Careers program students are affected by the following:

Minnesota Statutes require that the Department of Human Services (DHS) conduct background studies on individuals providing direct contact services to people receiving services from facilities and agencies licensed by DHS and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Direct contact is defined as providing face-to-face care, training, supervision, counseling, consultation, or medication assistance to people receiving services from the agency or facility. A fee will be applied for the background check.

An individual who is disqualified from having direct contact with persons served by the program as a result of the background study and whose disqualification is not set aside will not be permitted to participate in a clinical placement in facilities with programs subject to licensure under Minnesota statutes. This is to protect the health, safety and rights of persons served by those programs. Failure to participate in a clinical placement required by the academic program could result in ineligibility to qualify for a degree in this program. The Department of Human Services (DHS) determines disqualification and the Department of Human Services will inform an individual of this report.

Students are reminded of the background study requirement upon admission to the program, during the first introductory course in the program and when a work setting is identified for a clinical placement. Background studies must be submitted annually.