Mar 09, 2025  
Catalog 2025-2026 
Catalog 2025-2026

Tuition and Fees

Tuition Rates

The Board of Trustees for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities establishes tuition rates annually. Tuition rates are established on a per-credit basis for all credit course offerings and are subject to change. The Course Schedule lists tuition and fee rates for the term.

Senior Citizen Tuition Options

If you are a qualified senior citizen (over the age of 62) you may be eligible to attend classes at a reduced tuition rate. You must be a MN resident. Refer to the current Course Schedule for details. Registration is allowed on a space-available basis beginning second class session. Registration must happen in-person at the Admissions, Room 1300. Senior citizens who register before the first day of the semester must pay full tuition and fees.

Student Fees

Course Fees

Selected courses have additional course fees which can include, but are not limited to, charges for such items as: tools, books, materials and supplies retained by the student, liability insurance (clinical experiences), or special testing fees, etc. Course fees are listed in the Course Schedule displayed on the College website. To determine if a course has additional course fees, select the course from the semester course schedule and place cursor on the course title and click the link to view the course details.

Fees Charged Per Credit MSCSA (Student Association) Fee

The Minnesota State College Student Association fee, assessed to all students, provides for support of the statewide student association by providing training and development of campus leaders, and lobbying of student interests with the legislative and executive branches of the State of Minnesota as well as at the national government level. The MSCSA Fee is 61¢ per credit for the 2025-2026 school year.

Parking/Safety/Facilities Fee

This fee at the College covers costs associated with parking, safety, and facilities. The fee must cover all costs associated with the parking operations of the College. Parking Prices can be found on the College website at Students who do not use their Student ID card are charged a daily fee to use the parking facilities.

Student Life Fee

These funds are for the support and development of Student Life groups, activities and functions.

Technology Fee

A technology fee is charged as allowed by the Minnesota State. The technology fee is used for purchasing instructional equipment and materials such as computers and software, audio-visual equipment, library technology, and support staff.

Other Fees

Health Services fee

A health services fee is charged as allowed by the Minnesota State. The health services fee will be used to support the expansion of professional health resources and services available for students.

Late Fee

There is a late fee of up to $50.00 per semester fee charged to debtors who do not pay their account balance, in full, by the established deadlines. A hold will be placed on your account for any unpaid balance. This hold will prevent you from registering for classes if the balance is $501 or greater, and is more than 30 days old.

Library Fine

Students who fail to return materials will be charged for all overdue library materials.

IT Fine

Students who fail to return materials will be charged for all overdue IT materials.

Non-sufficient Funds/Returned Check Fee

When checks are returned to the college, due to non-sufficient funds (NSF), account closure or stop payment a fee of $24.00 is assessed for each check.

Transcript Fee

There is a $6.25 charge for each academic transcript request. Allow three business days for processing. An additional fee will be charged for next business day service.

SPC Card Replacement Fee

The SPC Card provides multiple campus functions and is used as a photo ID, a parking access card and door access card. There is a $15 charge to replace a lost or stolen SPC Card.

The fee must be paid before the card is re-issued.
All fees are subject to change.


Students are granted two attempts at the ACCUPLACER each calendar year. The second attempt carries a fee of $5. The fee must be paid before retaking the assessment.

Tuition Payment/Deferment Options

The full tuition and fees must be paid by the posted due date for the semester or classes will be deregistered. You may defer tuition and fees by any of the seven options below.

  1. Online through your student account. Payment types accepted are Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or E-Check.
  2. Make a payment at the Tuition Office during business hours. Payment types accepted are Master Card, Visa, Discover, cash, or check.
  3. Mail your payment to the address below. (Please do not mail cash) Make sure to include your student ID number, name, and phone number. Mail your payment no later than five business days before tuition is due.

Saint Paul College Tuition Office
235 Marshall Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55102

  1. Drop your payment in the Tuition Office Drop Box located next to the tuition windows. Please include your student ID number, name, and phone number. Payments dropped after business hours will be processed the next business day.
  2. Set up a payment plan through Nelnet Business Solutions. NBS is a third party tuition management company. For a fee they will set up a payment schedule and forward your payments to the Tuition Office. Allow at least one week prior to the tuition due date for processing.
  3. Complete a Financial Aid (FA) application (FAFSA). Please allow two weeks for the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) to be received at the school. You are responsible for completing the full FA process.
  4. Students who receive funding from scholarships, sponsoring agencies, or organizations will have their tuition deferred. Authorizations should be submitted using the Saint Paul College Authorization for Payment or a similar form that provides the same information. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the Tuition Office receives the proper authorization from the third party one week before the tuition due date.

For students registering or adding classes after the tuition due date, the tuition is due within 24 hours of adding classes. Invoices are not mailed. Students must check their account balance online and pay any balance due by the posted due dates on the academic calendar. Students should also check their Saint Paul College email accounts for tuition payment deadline reminders and informational announcements.

For further details on different payment options visit: Students will be responsible for any balances remaining after financial aid, third party, and Nelnet payments have been finalized.

Tuition Policy

You are responsible for dropping the courses you do not wish to take. Please check your eServices account each day during the add/drop period to ensure your schedule is what you intend to take. You are financially and academically responsible for any registered courses. Non-attendance is not a cancellation and students will be held responsible to pay any amount owed.

Non-Resident Tuition Status

The College considers resident and non-resident students the same for tuition rate purposes. Only MN residents are eligible for the Senior Citizen Rate.

Non-Payment of Tuition

Students who have not made payment or do not have a tuition deferment by the posted due date may lose their place in each registered class. Students who are not planning on attending must drop themselves from courses in their eServices account prior to the start of the semester. Students who have not deregistered are responsible for the unpaid balance. Refer to the current Course Schedule for details.

Tuition Refund Policy

Refunds for Total Withdrawal from College

If you withdraw from all courses, you may be eligible for a tuition refund according to the schedule below. You must withdraw in eServices by the noted due dates. Failure to attend class does not constitute withdrawal.

Withdrawal Period - Fall & Spring Semester Refund

Prior to the 1st day of the semester 100%

1st through 5th business day of the semester 100%

6th through 10th business day of the semester 75%

11th through 15th business day of the semester 50%

16th through 20th business day of the semester 25%

After the 20th business day of the semester 0%

Withdrawal Period - Summer/Other Semester Refund

At least 3 weeks but less than 10 weeks in length

Prior to the 1st day of the semester 100%

1st through 5th business day of the semester 100%

6th through 10th business day of the semester 50%

After the 10th business day of the semester 0%

Refunds for Change of Credit Load

No tuition refund will be made, nor will fees be reduced, by withdrawing from only part of your credits after the 5th business day of the semester.

Refund Time Frame

Refunds for tuition payments made by cash or check will be made to the student’s refund preference with Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Credit card payments will be refunded to the same credit card that was used when the tuition was paid. A minimum of one week is required to process refunds paid by cash or credit card. A minimum of two weeks is required to process refunds for tuition and fees paid by check.


The College may waive amounts due for the following reasons: employee benefit provided by bargaining agreement, death of a student, medical reasons, college error, employment related condition, significant documented personal circumstances, student leader stipends, course conditions, natural disasters or other situations beyond the control of the College. The College cannot waive the LeadMN student association fee. Contact the Tuition Office if you feel you are entitled to a waiver.